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Partnering with UC Santa Barbara

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Know what you want?

Have a specific faculty member, lab or academic department in mind? Let us facilitate introductions and a guided tour through the university and its resources.

Rob Dunton
Senior Director of Development, Foundation and Corporate Relations

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Looking to collaborate on a major initiative?

UC Santa Barbara is tackling many exciting social, science and engineering challenges that can improve your company’s ability to launch new products and services successfully. Contact us if you would like to talk about strategic possibilities.

Marcel Badart
Director, Corporate Relations

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Want to recruit on campus?

UC Santa Barbara graduates are highly trained and collaborative. The skills that students learn here make them top talent for your company. To connect with potential employees across a variety of fields, contact Career Services.

For students in engineering and the sciences, contact:
Ashley Antoon
Corporate Relations and Student Recruitment Manage, College of Engineering


Want to make a social impact?

UC Santa Barbara is committed to making a positive difference in sustainability, equity in education and health and healthcare. Our community's dedication to improving our world is fundamental, and we look to our corporate partners for collaboration, expertise and financial support.

Let us know how we can work together to advance positive social change.

Marcel Badart
Director, Corporate Relations